Spring in Berlin | Guests Fabian Flues & Joanna Kusiak

Recorded March 6, 2025 live at Another Country Bookstore with hosts Izzy and Dan, plus guest co-hosts Pip Roper of the “History Flakes” podcast, and comedian Toby Arsalan. We chat tchat spring weather in Berlin and its impact on relationships, Germany’s new electronic health records, Berlin labor strikes, local Football and various tree removals. Plus the annoucement of a Kickstarter campaign for a vinyl release of our mini-series “How to F#€K Up an Airport,” Berlin’s housing crisis, and more. 

Interviews with Fabian Flues, a member of the Burger*innenInitiative A100, and Joanna Kusiak, a sociologist at Cambridge University and author of “Radically Legal: Berlin Constitutes the Future.”

Joanna Kusiak: Read the book open source: PDF LINK or listen on Audible: https://www.audible.de/pd/Radically-Legal-Hoerbuch/B0D8WSZ8QF

Pip Roper: Live History Flakes Podcast Recording 29th March at Comedy Cafe Berlin https://www.comedycafeberlin.com/event/history-flakes-live-2/

Toby Arsalan: tobyarsalan.com or on insta at @tobyarsalan

Fabian Flues: Bürger*innenInitiative A100 https://bi-a100.de/

Thanks to Vanta for their support, Learn more at: www.Vanta.com/RadioSpaetkauf

Radio Spaetkauf: www.radiospaetkauf.com

Vinyl Kickstarter, LAUNCHING SOON !: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/radiospaetkauf

Additional thanks to podfestberlin.com for technical support. To Joel for editing and to our home for the recording, Another Country Bookstore http://www.anothercountry.de/  and of course to our listeners, if you would like to make a donation or support us through a steady membership:  www.radiospaetkauf.com/donate

Next Live Recording – Another Country Bookstore on April 3rd

Middle Aged Guys | Guests Jonny Tiernan & Drew Portnoy

Recorded Live on Sunday, March 27, 2023 at Noisy Rooms in Berlin. Guest host Drew Portnoy of 20% Berlin takes us through some political tidbits, his terrifying adventures in Frankfurt, and his thoughts on nudity rules at Berlin pools.

We talk with Jonny Tiernan, the new editor in chief of ExBerliner, about his new job and other changes at the Berlin English language institution.

Stories include the transportation strike, Corona fund fraud, baby eels in our waterways, and an update on the Berlin judge involved in last year’s coup attempt.

King Charles III is coming to Berlin this upcoming Wednesday! Fans can wait in front of the Brandenburger Tor to see the heir of the Sachsen-Coburg and Gotha royal line return home. While here, Charles will be bringing Camila to see an organic farm, meet Ukrainian refugees, and enjoy a state banquet.

Using waste water, a recent study by the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction showed that Berliners’ cocaine use is up 58 percent since 2018. Crystal meth consumption has also gone up 70 percent and other amphetamines like speed are up by almost 30 percent.

There are updates to a couple of stories familiar to Radio Spaetkauf listeners: The Bundestag recently passed an amendment to the Transfusion Act, making it now explicit that sexual orientation can not be a factor for exclusion on donating blood. In another move towards equality, a woman’s complaint to the State Office for Equal Treatment, Berlin public pools are changing their rules. Every person will now be allowed to swim topless.

This episode ends with Dan covering a story about Berlin’s makeshift trailer parks, which district authorities are threatening to destroy before segueing into a brief rant; questioning the state’s balance in considering the needs of landlords versus tenants.

Sign up for Drew’s 20 % newsletter and follow him twitter or on Instagram. Jonny Tiernan on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/jonnytiernan/

Thank you to everyone who listens. We appreciate the audience and the community. Become a monthly supporter or make a one time donation at www.radiospaetkauf.com/donate/. Thank you.

This episode was produced by Anne-Marie Harrison and Daniel Stern.
Editing by Sebastian Filip.
Script by Anne-Marie Harrison.
Hosts: Matilde Keizer, Anne-Marie Harrison, Daniel Stern, and guest host Drew Portnoy.
Additional contributions by Jöran Mandik and as always the support of Joel Dullroy.

Assistance from https://www.podfestberlin.com/

Recorded live at Noisy Rooms.

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RS#09: The Kino Babylon strike – who’s right?

Workers at the iconic Kino Babylon have been picketing in front of the cinema for months now, demanding more than the minimum wage. The cinema says it can’t pay more, and has filed for bankruptcy. Film goers are being asked to take sides, but who’s right in such a messy situation? The Radio Spaetkauf team have a vigorous debate about workers’ rights and business realities.

The city is filling up with asylum seekers. Many public buildings are being retrofitted to house refugees, including Tempelhof Airport, where up to 5000 people will eventually stay. Anyone can help by volunteering for a few hours. Sign up at www.volunteer-planner.org.

Thanks to Donau115 for hosting our live recording. Radio Spaetkauf is Joel, Maisie, Jöran and Daniel Stern.