Spring in Berlin | Guests Fabian Flues & Joanna Kusiak

Recorded March 6, 2025 live at Another Country Bookstore with hosts Izzy and Dan, plus guest co-hosts Pip Roper of the “History Flakes” podcast, and comedian Toby Arsalan. We chat tchat spring weather in Berlin and its impact on relationships, Germany’s new electronic health records, Berlin labor strikes, local Football and various tree removals. Plus the annoucement of a Kickstarter campaign for a vinyl release of our mini-series “How to F#€K Up an Airport,” Berlin’s housing crisis, and more. 

Interviews with Fabian Flues, a member of the Burger*innenInitiative A100, and Joanna Kusiak, a sociologist at Cambridge University and author of “Radically Legal: Berlin Constitutes the Future.”

Joanna Kusiak: Read the book open source: PDF LINK or listen on Audible: https://www.audible.de/pd/Radically-Legal-Hoerbuch/B0D8WSZ8QF

Pip Roper: Live History Flakes Podcast Recording 29th March at Comedy Cafe Berlin https://www.comedycafeberlin.com/event/history-flakes-live-2/

Toby Arsalan: tobyarsalan.com or on insta at @tobyarsalan

Fabian Flues: Bürger*innenInitiative A100 https://bi-a100.de/

Thanks to Vanta for their support, Learn more at: www.Vanta.com/RadioSpaetkauf

Radio Spaetkauf: www.radiospaetkauf.com

Vinyl Kickstarter, LAUNCHING SOON !: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/radiospaetkauf

Additional thanks to podfestberlin.com for technical support. To Joel for editing and to our home for the recording, Another Country Bookstore http://www.anothercountry.de/  and of course to our listeners, if you would like to make a donation or support us through a steady membership:  www.radiospaetkauf.com/donate

Next Live Recording – Another Country Bookstore on April 3rd

Support Your Local Bar, Not Qatar | Konrad Werner (Megan’s Megacan) & Lea Beckmann

It’s official! Berliners will have to return to the voting booths. Berlin’s constitutional court ruled on Wednesday, that the Senate and Bezirks elections will have to be redone completely. Parties now have 2 months to get their ducks in a row and mount a sort of Sprint-Campaign before the re-election on February 12. Here to tell us all about the ramifications of this decision is friend of the show, frequent Radio Spaetkauf guest and co-host of the wonderful podcast Megan’s Megacan, Konrad Werner.

Climate activists are keeping busy in Berlin and celebrated a big success this week. Letzte Generation have joined forces with Ende Gelände and Extinction Rebellion to block off traffic to BER and the Klimaneustart 2030 initiative managed to collect around 262,000 signatures—way more than the 170,000 required to get a referendum going! Will we get to vote for decisive climate action on February 12 as well? 

We speak to Lea Beckmann, a lawyer and anti-discrimination expert for the Gesellschaft für Freiheitsrechte, to understand how Berlin law enforcement and Germany’s judicial system are failing people with disabilities in cases of gendered harassment and violence. 




And we discuss how Berlin is reacting to the criticism of the football World Cup in Qatar and what the Berlin Senate is doing about skyrocketing raccoon populations…

This episode was sponsored by Athletic Greens. Visit http://www.athleticgreens.com/spaetkauf and get a free year’s supply of Vitamin D3+K2 for immune support, 5 convenient Travel Packs and a starter kit with your first AG1 order!

This episode was recorded live at Two Fellas Brewery in Pankow, so you might hear a little extra background noise.

Stop by one of our Brews and Berlin News Winter Tour locations. Our next show will be on Dec 18 at Vagabund Brauerei in Wedding. Register for tickets here.

Hosts: Izzy Choksey, Jöran Mandik, Matilde Keizer and Daniel Stern

Producer: Anne-Marie Harrison
If you like what we do and want us to keep making the show, please support us by subscribing or donating.