Get Help Berlin: Part 1 -The Saddest City

Jöran has just started looking for a therapist and can’t believe how impossible it seems. Matilde is in therapy and still gets anxiety recalling her search.

On this episode they swap stories and explain the basics about Germany’s mental health system. They talk to several people who’ve done it all before. And they explain the first steps to take.

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Gesetzliche Krankenkassen: Statutory health insurance funds, Germany’s publicly-mandated privately-run insurers, covering around 90% of residents. They fund some mental healthcare costs for members.

Kassensitze: An insurance-funded therapy license for therapists.

Sprechstunden: Trial sessions.

Akuttherapie: Crisis session.

Therapieplatz: Ongoing sessions paid for by health insurance.

Types of Therapy:

Psychoanalysis: The original Freudian analysis.

Tiefenpsychologische fundierte Psychotherapie: Classic talk therapy, finding out where patterns and issues come from.

Verhaltenstherapie: Cognitive behavioural therapy, working on changing your behaviour.

Systemische Therapie: A combination of talk therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy.

EMDR: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, especially for PTSD.

Show Notes:

Georg switched health insurers to get timely access to care (he’s now with BKK-VBU). He also frequently called the Berliner Krisendienst:

Jöran tried Berlin Institute for Psychotherapie and Psychoanalyse (BIPP):

Others went straight to a Hausarzt (a general doctor). But you can get an initial assessment appointment by calling: 116 117.


Get Help Berlin is created, written, produced and presented by Matilde Keizer and Jöran Mandik. Additional production and writing by Joel Dullroy and Anne-Marie Harrison. Music is by Ducks! and Tom Evans. Artwork is by Molly Rose Dyson. This is a production of Radio Spaetkauf, Berlin’s news podcast.

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More time for sex & grandma

This episode was recorded in the dying summer light of the Floating University in Berlin; a location that is neither a university nor floating. Luckily, we had Jöran on site to explain the history of this fascinating location. 

As everything gets more expensive, could Berlin make life more affordable by offering a basic income of over €1000 a month? This episode features the organisers of an attempt to start an experiment to do just that. Also, you’ve heard of community gardens. What about a community food forest? We meet a group trying to plant an edible biosphere on Tempelhofer Feld.

Energy prices are starting to bite and inflation is starting to eat into everyone’s weekly budgets. To combat this the federal government brought in the 9 euro monthly public transport ticket at the beginning of the month. It will run till the end of August. Who’s against it and who’s for it? And why should we all be getting on regional trains to an island in the north of Germany called Sylt. Also on the topic of shortages and price hikes, Matilde reveals her deep knowledge of beer glass in a welcomed presentation on the current bottle crisis faced by Berlin’s breweries. 

We welcome Laura Brämswig from the Volksentscheid Grundeinkommen campaign to come and talk to us about why we should all sign the petition for another Volksentschiedung giving Berlin the chance to test out a Grundeinkommen.

Fenja Grote and Liz Eve from the Feld Food Forest collective joined us to explain more about their project to create a food forest on the Tempelhof Airfield.  

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Billionaire in the Basement

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Find other ways to volunteer or donate here:

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Kunsthalle Catastrophe | Guest: Zoe Claire Miller

The BVG has reinvented the concept of time. Ticket checkers no longer go undercover. Tempelhof art show boycott explained. Dog poisoning scare.

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The BVG has altered the concept of time. Instead of displaying ‘mins’ to the next train on digital signs, it’s using the prime symbol: ′ (not an apostrophe). The BVG said it needed to make space for a wheelchair symbol. But does everyone recognize the prime as a sign of the time? Also, BVG ticket inspectors will no longer work undercover, but will wear blue vests to be clearly identified. It’s the end of an era for Berliners trained to spot suspiciously dressed passengers with large pouches.

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Gym members who were charged during the pandemic could get some of their money back. A group lawsuit is suing fitness centres for failing to offer refunds. Join in at:

This episode was presented by Izzy Choksey, Matilde Keizer, Joel Dullroy, Jöran Mandik and Daniel Stern.