Tegel Saved, Now For Thai Park


Tegel Airport fans won a referendum on whether the hexagonal Flughafen should stay open post-BER. The “yes” vote was 56.1%. But it doesn’t mean Tegel won’t close, as the federal and Brandenburg governments would have to agree. Renovation and residential soundproofing costs could reach a billion euros. Tegel supporters now want an U-Bahn extension as well.

The referendum happened on the same day as the German federal election, in which Angela Merkel’s CDU won almost a third of  votes. Berlin voted differently: here the CDU won almost 23%, and Die Linke came second with about 19%. There were protests in front of the AFD election party at a venue at Alexanderplatz. The far-right party won 12% of votes in Berlin.

On September 24, 28,000 runners raced in the Berlin Marathon. Kenya’s Eluid Kipchoge won the race for the second time, but missed out on a world record by 35 seconds, The women’s race was won Gladys Cherono, also from Kenya. Another runner was Berlin’s former state secretary for security, Bernd Krömer from the CDU, who failed to appear at a parliamentary inquiry only two days earlier, claiming illness.

The popular street food market known as Thai Park was raided last weekend. A squad of police and Ordnungsamt officers shut down the food stalls in Preussenpark in Wilmersdorf. Thai Park is still happening, but more raids are possible. The local CDU councillor said the food market must be either cleared away or legalized.

The German Comic Con is on this weekend at Messe Berlin. If you don’t like cosplay, come along to the live recording of Radio Spaetkauf at Comedy Cafe Berlin on Sunday October 1, 17.30.

This episode was presented by Joel Dullroy and Daniel Stern.

A plague of rats, crabs and Irish airlines


Berlin is a city with over 2.4 million rats. Lately they’ve been sighted more frequently as heavy rain has flushed them out of the drains. Several playgrounds in the north of the city have been closed due to rodents. A slightly more unusual pest, the invasive red American crayfish, has been seen scuttling along the paths in Tiergarten. More than 3000 crustaceans were caught as part of a recent eradication program.

This year’s Lollapalooza festival at the Hoppegarten race track ended in S-Bahn chaos. There weren’t enough trains to handle the crowds. Trains arrived already full of revellers from an Oktoberfest nearby. Police closed the packed S-Bahn station for several hours. The S-Bahn blamed the festival organizers for not paying for extra trains. Next year Lollapalooza will move to Olympiastadion – the third time it has had to relocate.

Want to buy Air Berlin? You’ll have to pay more than the current highest bid – half a billion euros. Air Berlin’s pilots aren’t making things easy for the airline. This week 200 of them called in sick on the same day to preemptively protest the possible pay cut they’ll face if Lufthansa takes over.

Ryanair has been stirring controversy by paying for election ads for the FDP supporting the pro-Tegel referendum campaign. The giant blue billboards featured Ryanair’s logo, which is possibly illegal. The Reinickendorf local council threatened to ban the sponsored ads. The FDP eventually covered up the Ryanair logo with censored stickers.

This episode was presented by Maisie Hitchcock and Dan Stern, and brought to you by RadioEins.

This episode was presented by Maisie Hitchcock and Daniel Stern, and brought to you by Radio Eins, Berlin’s public broadcaster.

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RS Live: Confessions of a Food Deliverer

Radio Spaetkauf Live

Comedian Caroline Clifford signed up as a bicycle food courier to earn extra cash. But she found the income depends on cycle speed and can be €5 an hour or less, especially as customers don’t tip.

Germany’s federal election is on September 24. So far it’s a dull campaign. But as Konrad Werner explains, in today’s turbulent world a boring election is quite remarkable. Chancellor Angela Merkel “represents the state of the permanent present” that voters in smooth-running Germany desire.

Is the Air Berlin bankruptcy being manipulated in favour of Lufthansa? Ryanair is accusing the German authorities of helping Lufthansa take over Air Berlin, which would result in them grabbing 95% of domestic German air travel.

The Tegel referendum is on the same day as the election. To quell concerns about the capacity of the new BER airport, BER’s manager has released an expansion plan. BER will grow from 22 to 55 million by 2040, with new terminals. The Tagesspiegel reported that new terminals may be connected with a gondola. A soft opening date of October 2018 has been announced.

We update some old stories: The man who kicked a woman down the stairs at Hermannstraße U-Bahn station in December last year was jailed for two years and four months. Our friends at Radbahn crowdfunded €31,000 to help them continue pushing for a bike path under the U1. Volksbühne’s new director Chris Dearcon has taken over and will host his first event, a free 10-hour programme in the Tempelhof building on September 10.

Some plugs:

This episode was presented by Jöran Mandik, Joel Dullroy and Daniel Stern, with Caroline Clifford and Konrad Werner.

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Let’s play linguistic chicken

This summer’s bad weather is affecting local fruit supply. Yields of regional apples, pears, cherries and plums are down by about 50%, pushing prices up by 15%.

In other apple news, there’s controversy at the Apfelfest in Guben in south-east Brandenburg. A man is suing the organizer of the Apple Queen competition, claiming the vote was rigged in favour of a female contestant. He said voters were mislead as the winner didn’t have a driver’s license.

English speaking waiters in Berlin are getting on the nerves of CDU politician Jens Spahn, who said they should be able to take orders in German. He also criticized Germans who talk to each other in English as being elitist.

Air Berlin has officially filed for bankruptcy after 37 years in operation. Germany’s second largest airline has been losing money, passengers and their luggage for years. Now several airlines are fighting to buy the scraps of Air Berlin, which owns some valuable landing spots at key airports. The airline is still operating and tickets are still valid.

Come along to our next live recording on Sunday September 3 at the Comedy Cafe Berlin. Caroline is also hosting We Are Not Gemused, a stand-up show on Tuesday September 5 at Sameheads in Neukölln.

This episode was presented by Caroline Clifford and Joel Dullroy, and brought to you by Radio Eins, Berlin’s public broadcaster.

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Live at Mobile Kino Summer Camp 2017

rs sc4 1

Meet Diana Arce, host of Politaoke, a cross between karaoke and political speeches. She hosts events where people read topical politcal rants while the audience boos and cheers. Diana is also part of White Guilt Cleanup, a service for people who don’t know how to handle topics of race. Find out more at www.politaoke.com and www.whiteguiltcleanup.com.

There’s a referendum coming up on September 24, the same day as the federal election. The question will be: should Berlin keep Tegel airport operating when BER finally opens? The no camp says Tegel will cost too much to renovate. The yes camp says it’s necessary due to rising tourist traffic. Does Berlin really need more tourism?

The Berlin Senate has finished a new law that ensures bicycle infrastructure will improve. There will be 50,000 new bike parking spots near public transport, including parking boxes. Bike lanes will be widened, a 100km bicycle highway will be opened, and dangerous spots will be fixed. If the Senate fails to deliver, social groups can sue to force them.

Joel’s got a new society startup idea: “Flat Rate Living – an all-inclusive way of life. All services provided free for 90% of your income.”

This episode was hosted by Jöran Mandik, Joel Dullroy and Caroline Clifford.

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