Spring in Berlin | Guests Fabian Flues & Joanna Kusiak

Recorded March 6, 2025 live at Another Country Bookstore with hosts Izzy and Dan, plus guest co-hosts Pip Roper of the “History Flakes” podcast, and comedian Toby Arsalan. We chat tchat spring weather in Berlin and its impact on relationships, Germany’s new electronic health records, Berlin labor strikes, local Football and various tree removals. Plus the annoucement of a Kickstarter campaign for a vinyl release of our mini-series “How to F#€K Up an Airport,” Berlin’s housing crisis, and more. 

Interviews with Fabian Flues, a member of the Burger*innenInitiative A100, and Joanna Kusiak, a sociologist at Cambridge University and author of “Radically Legal: Berlin Constitutes the Future.”

Joanna Kusiak: Read the book open source: PDF LINK or listen on Audible: https://www.audible.de/pd/Radically-Legal-Hoerbuch/B0D8WSZ8QF

Pip Roper: Live History Flakes Podcast Recording 29th March at Comedy Cafe Berlin https://www.comedycafeberlin.com/event/history-flakes-live-2/

Toby Arsalan: tobyarsalan.com or on insta at @tobyarsalan

Fabian Flues: Bürger*innenInitiative A100 https://bi-a100.de/

Thanks to Vanta for their support, Learn more at: www.Vanta.com/RadioSpaetkauf

Radio Spaetkauf: www.radiospaetkauf.com

Vinyl Kickstarter, LAUNCHING SOON !: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/radiospaetkauf

Additional thanks to podfestberlin.com for technical support. To Joel for editing and to our home for the recording, Another Country Bookstore http://www.anothercountry.de/  and of course to our listeners, if you would like to make a donation or support us through a steady membership:  www.radiospaetkauf.com/donate

Next Live Recording – Another Country Bookstore on April 3rd

Beer Walks and Kiosk Talks | Guests Dan Cole and Moritz Ahlert

Recorded live at Podigee on November 12, 2024 with hosts Joel, Izzy, and Dan. They discuss proposed funding cuts to Berlin’s cultural institutions, jaywalking, shopping Sundays and the closing of Berlin clubs. The show features two guests: first is co-author of “Beer Hiking Berlin” Dan Cole, followed by Moritz Ahlert of the project “Kiosk of Solidarity“.  

This episode of Radio Spaetkauf explores the impact of a proposed 10% funding cut to cultural institutions, as well as a reflection on the 35th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s fall. Plus chats on the city’s evolving beer scene, the sustainability of nightclubs, the transformation of public spaces, and the importance of inclusive design in fostering community engagement. 

Moritz Ahlert: @kiosk.of.solidarityhttps://transformingsolidarities.net/de/
Dan Cole: @hiking_and_drinkinghttps://helvetiq.com/de/beer-hiking-berlin

Radio Spaetkauf
https://www.radiospaetkauf.com  @radiospaetkauf

Daniel Stern: https://www.sterndaniel.com/  @danielandstern 
Next Standup Gig: Nov 23rd at The Wall Berlin

Venue: https://www.podigee.com/

⭑ DONATIONS / SUPPORT: https://www.radiospaetkauf.com/donate/

“City Of Tomorrow!” RSxEAB

In this episode of Radio Spaetkauf, recorded in collaboration with the Europäische Akademie Berlin, we focus on the future of urban living; asking the question, “What is the city of tomorrow?”. Host Daniel Stern is joined by architect Max Schwitalla and author Aiki Mira. The conversation begins with Max sharing how skateboarding background influenced his urban design approach, and with Mira reading a passage from their award-winning novel “Neurobiest” describing Berlin of the future topped by green rooftop communities. From there we discuss visions for the future: inclusive, polycentric urban design, mobility hubs, and discarding anthropocentricism to leave space for nature. The exploration of “The City of Tommorow” brings us to innovations (both real and imagined), micro-utopias, and proposals for infrastructure which is reusable, queer and adaptable. 

Recorded Oct 17, 2024 at Podigee‘s Offices in Berlin

Guest Links:

Aiki Mira https://aikimira.webnode.page/
Aiki’s Podcast: Das War Morgen
Insta: @aiki_mira

Event at Otherland Books: otherland-berlin.de

Max Schwitalla https://studioschwitalla.com/

Radio Spaetkauf https://www.radiospaetkauf.com  @radiospaetkauf

Europäische Akademie Berlin https://www.eab-berlin.eu @europaeische_akademie_berlin

Daniel Stern https://www.sterndaniel.com/  @danielandstern 

Venue: https://www.podigee.com/

• DONATIONS / SUPPORT: https://www.radiospaetkauf.com/donate/

“Better Spaet Than Never” Megan’s Megacan Crossover Episode: Recorded live at PodFest Berlin 2024

Recorded September 10th at PodFest Berlin 2024. Released previously on the Megan’s Megacan feed. Apologies for the delayed release via our feed. It was due to a technically unavoidable issue.

“Recording live with Radio Spätkauf at Podfest Berlin 2024, Megan handed out free cans so that the audience wouldn’t have to get through the news sober — which, frankly, should be part of every media subscription service these days. Then Konrad gets weirdly pedantic about crime stats, Izzy explains why Germany is always losing the energy transition race, and Joel finds some good news about Berlin’s U-Bahn seat covers. And there’s more fascism in Germany obviously. BUT we have passing minstrels! Hey nonny nonny!” – Show notes via Konrad.

This episode edited by Konrad of Megan’s Megacan.

About Megan’s Megacan: It’s a German news podcast in English, because the German news is hard enough without it being all in German. Also involves canned cocktails. Not massive cans. 

Döner vs Doner

Recorded live, August 4, 2024 at the House of Color. Dan and Izzy are joined by special guest cohosts Drew Portnoy (aka Andrew Buckley) and Eman Khallouf. Headlines include updates from Görli, DIY bike lanes, fresh comedy at BER airport, the Cold War Museum and a medical miracle at the Charité. Interview with Greg Onwuegbuzie of Deschoolonize. 
Plus Joel returns with an update and talks about his tribute to Maisie. 

Guests and Links:
Drew on insta: drewportnoyhaha
Eman on insta: emosh007
20% Berlin: https://www.20percent.berlin

Produced by Daniel Sternsterndaniel.com
PodFest Berlin Sept 8-15 at House of Color: PodFestBerlin.com