Berlin has welcomed 30,000 new residents as Ukrainian refugees fill the city. We meet Mimi, a volunteer from Wir Packens An. They send boxes to refugees – not just from Ukraine, but those forgotten in other parts of Europe too. You can help by volunteering to fill boxes for a day: www.wir-packens-an.info
Find other ways to volunteer or donate here:
How is the war affecting Berlin, a city that runs mostly on Russian fossil fuels? Our energy bills are going up, we’re getting cheaper public transport, and may soon live under an iron dome missile shield.
As coronavirus rules disappear, are Berliners ready to give up their masks? So far many are opting to keep covered up in shops.
Right to the City for All, the English speaking arm of the DW Enteignen campaign for an update on what has happened since the referendum. www.dwenteignen.de Email: right2thecity@dwenteignen.de
We meet Paul Hanford, who has written a book on the clubbing culture in Berlin since the 90s. We ask what it means when one of the world’s richest men is now hanging out in Berlin’s basement bars. His book here: https://velocitypress.uk/product/coming-to-berlin-book/
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